An Sms, a phone call & an e-mail. Madrice Imbujo lost his life in the killing fields of Kinshasa: traffic.
Articles in Congolese media:
- L’Institut national des arts pleure Madrice Imbujo
- Hommage à Madrice Imbujo, chorégraphe inlassable
Monday, December 25, 2006
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Physical computing

By using sensors and the Arduino interface board (15-20€), we created individually a sound device consisting of different sensors responding to touch and gesture. In fact we made a flat variable resistor made with some wood, plastic, tape and coppertape, connected it to the arduino board wich transformed the analog signals into digital ones which where communicated to PureData or Max/Msp via a USB-cable.

Wiz'n wise Wendy Van Wynsberghe explains how to make the resistor here